lobby-office-sign-sign-partners-009Now that you have finished the planning and waiting stages, it is time to install your brand new office or lobby sign. Once the sign has been installed, it will remain in your reception area or lobby for years to come, serving as a constant reminder of your name and objectives.


Read on to learn more about the following tips, which have been designed to ensure a stress free installation and provide you with a sign that will be able to withstand the test of time. Sign Partners will take care of the installation but your preparation can make a difference!


interior-lobby-office-sign-sign-partners-6Preparing the wall


You’ll need to make sure that the wall where the sign will hang is fully prepared for installation. This is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to the potential life span of your sign and failure to examine the area could cause dire consequences. Make sure that the wall is not flaky or aged and check for damage from nails and hooks that have been used in the past. Be sure to patch up any holes and take the time to repaint the wall before hanging up a new office or lobby sign.


Schedule installation during quiet hours


If you allow installation of your new sign to take place during peak office hours, this can lead to a number of complications. The workers who are responsible for the sign’s installation need peace and quiet, so that their work is not compromised by any potential noises and distractions. On the flip side of the coin, your employees will also function best in an environment where sign installation is not taking place, as this will disturb work flow.


interior-lobby-sign-sign-partners4No immediate touching


Once the shiny, new sign has been added to your office space, it is imperative for it to remain untouched for at least three days. This allows the sign to fully adhere to the wall it has been attached to. Touching the sign when it is first installed could also leave permanent fingerprints and smudges.


Clean your sign regularly


There is a certain temptation to exhale once the sign has been installed, but the process does not end as soon as the installation does. Once the installation is complete, you’ll need to regularly clean the sign and keep dust from having a chance to collect. You are not only ensuring your sign’s long term functionality, but you are also providing your brand with the permanent representation that it needs in order to stand out.



interior-lobby-sign-sign-partners5Use the correct Wiping techniques


When it is time to wipe your sign down, there are certain techniques that keep the signage safe from unwanted damages. By using a feather duster or a micro fiber towel to wipe the sign, you are able to avoid unsightly scratches that diminish its luster. Make sure not to use any chemicals as this might damage the sign.


With these 5 tips you are totally ready for the installation of your sign. Didn’t order your sign yet? Contact our experts at Sign Partners today via 561.270.6919 or info@sign-partners.com for a free quote.