Any type of outdoor signage requires sign permits. Also, in some cities, a sign permit is needed for even window graphics or a temporary sign post. So it is necessary to apply for a sign permit application to the appropriate city or county before putting up one.

Before designing any type of sign, it’s important to find out more about the laws in that area, because most cities have varying rules on that can restrict the size, type of sign used, location and color. As stressful as it might seem, signs are very economical ways of advertising, promotions or special events, which saves cost and time. While growing customer base and sales. Sign Partners takes care of all your permit needs so you don’t have to worry about that part.

The original Logo of the company has a big role to play in putting up a sign. A sign must be able to do more than attracting; passersby should be able to understand it even from a reasonable distance. For instance, not all logos that look well on a tiny business card can also look good on illuminated signs.

As an entrepreneur seeking a sign permit for any kind of outdoor sign, the first stages of developing your image is very important. Because if you find out your logo does not come out well as a sign, Sign Partners can help to redesign and make it work without sacrificing your branding.

After finalizing the design you can move on to these three rules, to help you get a good sign permit. They are; know the rules, find out the cost and get professional help.

  1. Know the rules

As stated earlier, every city has different rules governing them on sign applications and sign permits. What other people are doing as regards signage might not apply to know, always remember that. In most cases, owners of the property probably have their restrictions and rules that need to be adhered to also. Before mapping out your desired signage, check if that particular one is allowed in the area. Also, get the landlord’s approval prior  to the permit application, to avoid mistakes.

  1. Find out the Cost

Knowing about the different prices of materials and types of signs not only broadens your options but keeps you informed enough to make a good bargain. It can help in the decision of buying from the maker directly which is a lot cheaper, but at the same time, you could risk not meeting the sign application requirements.

  1. Get a Professional

It is advisable to hire a professional sign company to help you go through the whole process. They can manufacture channel letters and also pick out approved designs. They also know every hidden aspect of the law and are highly experienced in producing sign permits. They can also work with your landlord, to get his approval for the appropriate sign.

If you are in need of a new sign and the process of a Sign Permit is holding you back, you can contact Sign Partners who will take care of every step of the process. Sign Partners is located in Boca Raton but works with every city in South Florida for necessary permits. Contact Sign Partners today via 561.270.6919 or