Our team was back at Amazon SBD6 to put up additional office wall wraps and murals. Earlier, we had designed, produced, and installed custom printed wallpaper for conference rooms, commercial wall graphics for training rooms, and word wall welcome graphics. For this project, we continued with the fox motif.

The wall wrap for the senior leadership team office features a highway scene with foxes heading toward a sign announcing SBD6. The beige tones go well with the space’s interior decor. For the general manager’s office wall, we focused attention on the fox and pictured it in front of a green mountain scene. Our graphic artist also created a nighttime highway scene for a split-wall office. Look closely, and you will notice that the foxes in the highway scenes represent the team leaders using the offices.
Environmental Office Wall Wraps Appeal to Workers
These custom wall wraps and decals are ideal as environmental graphics because they affect the way employees work. They motivate, inspire, and replace the nondescript, white office walls you may be accustomed to.
For example, did you know that environmental wall graphics create comfortable workspaces? They offer the opportunity to combine serene scenery with eye candy that captures the imagination. When we did something similar for Amazon PSP1, the goal was to use these graphics to create a relaxing place to work. Amazon’s fast pace is legendary, but these graphics help workers regroup. At the same time, we were able to incorporate some brand details.

That said, environmental wall wraps also appeal to visiting customers. Our clients like to incorporate local scenes to do so. Examples include beach scenes, the Los Angeles skyline, and local landmarks. The graphics create a great office space to work and visit.
Stock Photos? Custom Artwork? Which Office Wall Wraps and Murals Are Right for Your Office?
Stock photos are images that we have purchased the rights to use. They allow us to customize the look of your graphics with your brand and functionality in mind. Artwork is something that our graphic artist customizes specifically for your brand and office. It is unique to your business and will not appear on anyone else’s walls.
Some clients also like the idea of adding vinyl-wrapped furnishings to their spaces. Examples include welcome desks and wall cabinets. The goal is to transform an office space from utilitarian to functional and aesthetically pleasing.

If you need help determining which graphics product is right for you, we can help. Discuss your thoughts with our graphic artist. We can show you stock photos or assemble artwork sketches that will differentiate your offices from those of the competition. Find out more. Call us today!