Contemporary office spaces have plenty of glass walls. Cases in point are the long and tall glass panels that make up wall sections for JIG Consultants. Because these walls make privacy a challenge, the client asked our team to put together elegant frosted glass graphics in Orange, CA.

Custom-Designed Frosted Stripes Transform the Look and Feel of JIG Consultants’ Offices
When discussing the project with the client, we learned that the stripes for the glass walls had to meet specific requirements. They had to provide privacy so that people inside their offices would not be distracted when others walked by. Similarly, the long glass walls lacked definition, and the stripes would enhance the office decor.
Finally, these frosted glass stripes would meet the security goal of not having people walk into the walls. Because floor-to-ceiling glass walls – particularly with no visible seams – can be dangerous, the vinyl is as much a decorative element as a safety tool. Our team took extensive measurements, which allowed us to fabricate the correct lengths of frosted vinyl stripes for the project.

Most importantly, the measurements were critical for perfectly positioning the vinyl. As you walk through the office, you cannot help but notice how these stripes augment the interior decor and make a significant impression on visitors and staff members.
Privacy Film for Glass Walls is a Frequent Request from Clients
Many clients are doing business out of offices that have glass walls. While they look great and allow natural light to reach the space, the glass sometimes creates more problems than it solves. However, etched and frosted glass graphics let you enjoy the positives of the glass while cutting down dramatically on the negatives.
For example, the popular frosted and etched privacy film that covers the middle third of the conference room glass walls is a fantastic method for keeping the glass’ good looks intact while significantly improving privacy. Another option is investing in a frosted vinyl glass wrap with imprinted room information. It is a contemporary look for a space that craves elegance.

Even when designing conference room privacy films, you have options. Some clients have had excellent success with a middle section consisting of stripes and a bottom section featuring solid vinyl. In contrast, our client opted for glass stripes with gradually increasing widths that nevertheless keep the bottom glass portion free of vinyl.
Which etched and frosted glass graphics are right for your space? In Orange, the client found that stripes would be the ideal solution for the space’s needs. If you are unsure how your space could benefit from this vinyl treatment, we can help. Discuss your thoughts with our graphic artist. Call us today!