When you’re moving into a new office building, there may be existing signs that need to be updated with your information such as a directory sign. Some locations may have a monument sign that lists tenants, an indoor or outdoor directory sign, or suite identification signs. No matter the sign type, we can help you with all of your office building signage needs. Viridi Construction was moving into the Arete Associates office building in Northridge, California. We have been doing signs for Arete Associates for years so when they reached out to us, we knew exactly what they needed. A few years back we made a custom directory sign for the building that lists all of the different tenants and their suite numbers. We took the existing directory strip and replaced the vinyl with Viridi’s information.
Each suite also has its own suite identification sign in the hallway. These were purposefully made in two parts so the tenant information can be updated easily. The suite number is not going to change so the brushed aluminum section is installed directly onto the wall. On the brushed aluminum sign is a secondary piece which is made from acrylic that can be easily removed. When tenant information needs to be updated, all we need to do is create a new acrylic panel with the tenant information and replace it on-site. The tenant information is made as a black vinyl graphic that is applied directly to the acrylic.