(818) 349-7400 office@resource4signs.com

There are two main types of illuminated channel letter signs which are front-lit and reverse-lit. Channel letters refer to metal signs with a channel inside that are all opaque unless they are internally illuminated. Front-lit channel letters have translucent faces so the light shines out the front. Reverse-lit channel letters have clear backs so the light shines out the back. Sometimes we make channel letters that are both front-lit and reverse-lit, which are called compound channel letters.

Whether we make a sign front-lit or reverse-lit depends on the customer’s preference, the background color, and also the logo. For Post Alarm, their logo has “Post” in black so we made those letters into reverse-lit channel letters. Black cannot be illuminated so we typically do reverse-lit for black lettering. If the client wants a front-lit sign or if the building is also a dark color, we will use white instead, and make the faces from white acrylic.

For the most part, you want to use the same lighting style for the main part of the sign so we wanted to make the Post Alarm’s logo reverse-lit as well, but also make it front-lit so you could see the different colors of the logo. This is why we made it a compound channel letter. If the logo is simple or only has one color, you could just make it all reverse-lit, but you won’t see any of the paint colors at nighttime. If having different colors is important to the logo, it is recommended that you make it front-lit as well. The different logo colors were represented using 3M vinyl that we digitally printed to match the Pantone color called out for their logo. The returns were painted and the faces were digitally printed to match.