(657) 346-2281 focus@focussignsInc.com

converze sign 350 pixelsI’m sure you’ve seen this. A new business opens and they don’t have a sign. Instead they have a large banner tacked up on the building to act as a sign. This is pretty common, and I’m going to guess that what really happened is that during the business planning, there was little or no consideration given to signage in the budget.

If you are a business owner who is using a Banner instead of an actual sign, be warned that the banner according to code, is considered temporary and if you are caught using the banner past the 6 month mark you are subject to fines.

The City of Costa Mesa is easy to deal with when it comes to both permitting and getting plans signed off for your signage. If we do an exterior sign that is not stud mounted into the wall, electrical in nature, or of any significant size often no permit is required, only a “sign off” from over the counter is necessary. We’ve found the City Planning Office to be most helpful.

Here are the Signs which the City of Costa Mesa will not approve. I thought it would be helpful to all new business owners who are considering a sign to be aware of this.

1. Signs which incorporate any flashing, moving or intermittent lighting.

2. Signs which by color, wording, design, location, or illumination resemble, obstruct or conflict with any traffic-control device or with safe and efficient flow of traffic.

3. Signs that create a safety hazard by obstructing clear view of or passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

4. Banners, flags, and pennants except as authorized in Section 13-115, Temporary Signs.

5. Street banners in the public right-of-way, except as authorized by Section 13-118.

6. Signs projecting into or located in the public right-of-way except governmental signs or other types of signs as authorized by Sections 13-123.5 and 127 or Chapter II of Title 19.

7. Inflatable signs (and balloons) larger than 24 inches in any dimension.

8. Portable signs, except as authorized by Section 13-123.5 and in Section 13-115.

9. Mechanical movement.

10. Signs which project above a parapet or the highest point of the roof.

11. Signs on public property.

12. Electronic changeable copy signs, except theater marquees and time/temperature signs.


A business without a sign is a sign of no business! So make sure you plan and budget properly for your business sign. As always, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 657-346-2281.