(657) 346-2281 focus@focussignsInc.com

Opening a new office is stressful. You make your priority list starting with the basic necessities like internet connectivity then move onto painting the walls and ordering the furniture.

The reception area lobby sign is usually the last detail tackled, and while there are many sign shops to choose from, a custom sign is not a commodity. Great care and thought needs to be given to this detail in your office planning.
We’ve been in our fair share of offices in Tustin, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Costa Mesa (in fact all of Orange County) consulting on custom signage and understand the importance of connecting the lobby sign to both the business brand and the interior design. This is why we start the process with an onsite survey. We interview the key stake holders, look closely at the lighting of the area, the surrounding furniture and accessories, and always look to maintain logo integrity. By doing all of this before we design a rendition we come close on the first go around of getting to the right solution.

One of the main stumbling blocks in the creative process is having the right art file, so if you are an admin who has been tasked with lining up the right sign company, make sure you get with your marketing department and ask for a .png or .eps file. These are files that can be enlarged without losing quality and pixilating. If you don’t have access to vector art, our design team can redraw it for you.

Lastly, if you are an admin or office manager tasked with getting quotes on your lobby sign, please make sure you get a budget to work within. The cost of signs can vary greatly based upon the material. Your logo custom molded or flat cut from a solid sheet of metalwill cost much more than dimensional lettering made of foam or pvc with a metal laminate face. We really do try to consult our clients on choices that keep them within budget but in the end will still produce a one of a kind, stunning reception area office lobby sign.  Feel free to contact us at https://focussignsinc.com/ or 657-346-2281.