IMG_20160428_074809458Generating interest for your business’s location is always an important factor when considering the marketing tool you choose to invest in. We always recommend the use of a high impact visual statement that will be quick to draw attention and leave a lasting impression. When Minuteman Press of Wilmington, Delaware were looking for a change in their look, they came to our experts for help. With a dedication to sign success, we got right to work!

See the Results!

The new brand for the client featured bold lettering and vibrant color choices. With the design of the graphics on their storefront window, they will be sure to grab the attention they want, and deliver the information they need!

The Completed Package 

We took the new branding of the client and paired it with latex digital print graphics. These graphics offer a higher resolution image that is effective and long lasting. In addition, using premium air release vinyl aiding in the efficiency of installation and raised the standards of the final look. To ensure the graphic package would be durable for years to come, we used a UV protective laminate. All in all the final project was successful in design, production, and installation!

Window Graphics in All Forms 

Window graphics can be used for a wide array of uses though there are three that are most common.

Heat & Glare Reduction: When you sit down at your table inside a restaurant, the last thing you want is the sun glaring in your face, and making you uncomfortably warm. Perfed window films are a great option for this need! They can showcase marketing and branding graphics to the exterior, while limiting the amount of light that enters the interior. More than just restaurants, these are great for retail shops, offices, banks, and schools!

Marketing: When your business has a promotional event or sale, it is important to get the word out. This includes providing the necessary marketing tools to broadcast messages to the public. With vibrant and bright window graphics, you can relay information about upcoming events.

Branding: Setting a name for your business within the community is all about leaving a lasting impression. There are many ways to do this, but one can generate interest with not only current customers, but also the passing by consumers that see your storefront. High quality graphics featuring your logo and brand will leave a lasting impression of your brand in their minds. The next time they have need of specific services, your image will be in the forefront of their minds!

Written by: Paramount Signs – Wilmington, Delaware