img_20160811_101639075Do you own a business?

If so you might have some interest in reading this article.

The point that we want to make is that instead of spending money buying new company vehicles like vans, trucks, trailers – and even in this case, recycling bins – you might want to consider saving a bunch of money and just giving them a makeover.


With custom signs and graphics.

The pictures in this article show the recycling bins that we just installed new graphics on for one of our clients.  These recycling bins were old and worn out, but instead of disposing of them and purchasing brand new bins, the SCCRA, went a different route and brought us in to install custom graphics.

Before this project, they had contacted us to install graphics on an old trash truck, which helped give it new life, as well as promote their program that is featured on the graphics.

img_20160811_085713196_hdrThis same idea can be applied to just about any business.

Do you have work trucks, vans, or other installation vehicles?

Are they looking old, worn-out, dingy or anything else that could negatively reflect the image of your business?

Instead of running out and getting a new van, we can install custom graphics on part of the vehicle, or we can cover the entire thing. These vehicle graphics can last a very long time and save a lot of money by not having to buy new vehicles when they start to look a little worn out.

Written by: Paramount Signs