There are three types of wayfinding and directional signs in San Diego County. One type is mandated by law. Another encourages compliance. And the third is excellent customer service. Here is what you need to know about all three of them.
Mandated Wayfinding Signs Focus on ADA Compliance
ADA signs label the permanent locations at your venue. Examples are the bathrooms or the conference room. You help people find their ways around when they are not able to read the room designations as quickly as others do.
High-contrast colors. The goal of high-color contrasts is to help the lettering stand out more. Besides that, high-contrast color plays are instrumental in catching the attention of people.
- Pictographs. If the lettering is difficult to decipher for someone, a picture could be instrumental in making the sign understandable. We recommend using standard images that most people will associate with the amenities you are labeling.
- Braille II dots. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has determined that compliant signage must feature Braille II dots. For this reason, our sign shop routinely uses metal or acrylic as material for these signs. These materials are durable and easy to clean.
Encourage Compliance of Visitors to Your Location
Our sign shop recently did signage for the San Ysidro Land Port of Entry. It’s a busy border crossing that requires adequate signage to help people find their ways around. Most importantly, the signage has to help people comply with the applicable laws.
Therefore, we constructed signage using steel T beans and aluminum panels for maximum durability in changing weather conditions. Besides that, these materials ensure that the signage will be around and in excellent condition for a long time to come.
Excellent Wayfinding Signs are Good Customer Service
Please take a closer look at the school signs we did for several Southland college campuses. The problem with these campuses is their sprawling nature. The parking lots alone seem to go on forever. This is the reason why the school administration requested us to create signs that would make it easy for parents and first-time students to find their ways around.
Nothing is more frustrating for a consumer than not being able to orient themselves. Nobody wants to park too far away and spend extra time walking. Therefore, businesses of all types now commission excellent wayfinding and directional signs in San Diego County. Contact our sign shop today to learn more about your options!