(502) 771-3132 info@ondisplaysigns.com

When searching to improve or enhance your grocery store,banner signs are an efficient addition to any retail store environment. Any grocery store business owner knows that signage is important for creating an excellent shopping experience for consumers. While signs are simple additions to any grocery store, they can be challenging to secure and change. These challenges might cause grocery store business owners to fail to take full advantage of their signs.

Banner signs, however, can be secured easily. They simplify the process of installing signage, as well as making it simpler than ever to have efficient signs in your grocery store. Below are some of the leading benefits of grocery store banner signs.

Adds Value to Any Grocery Store Environment

Shoppers make a multitude of decisions based on the feel or look they receive from your grocery store. Having banner signs automatically provides an environment a more professional look. They also help improve marketing and branding.

These signs are also great when used for wayfinding or highlighting particular areas for shoppers. With banners, you may also be able to use them at trade shows or special events and make yourself stand out from the competition.

Efficiently Capture Shopper Interest

One thing a shopper sees when he or she walks into a grocery store a large banner sign. Banners are very visible because they are typically clear of any obstacles.

Whether you want to promote a discount, special sale, service, or product, using a banner is a great option.

Easily Mounted

Great banner signs are easily mounted, including to ceilings that have open joists, drywall, or t-bars. Rather than struggling to secure signage each month or week, it’s possible to secure the ceiling hanger within the time it’d take to put one sign up.

For most kinds of grocery stores, in which the ceiling might not easily permit banners or other signs, using a ceiling hanger may add a new dimension to your in-store branding.

Easier and Safer

Not all banners are created equal. Retractable signs permit you to change signage from the safety of the ground in just a manner of minutes. They’ll decrease the risk of falls or additional workplace injuries and save on the man-hours required to change signage by more regular means.

To make the most of our space with professional, effective ceiling signs, get in touch with us by email or call us today.