In addition to the physical durability considerations discussed in a previous post, Huntsville, AL – Durable Commercial Real Estate Signs For Large Alabama Broker, The audience demographics must be considered when deciding what contact information must be included. If the sign life is intended to be relatively short term, a phone number might be sufficient. If the planned sign life is five to ten years, specific url’s and bar codes become imperative.
The picture shows that multiple contact methods can be effectively utilized on a commercial real estate sign. The phone number is the most easily recognized. However, the specific url is available for those that prefer internet to talking on the phone. Including a url on the sign that enables the potential client to go directly to a web page that has all the relevant information for that property, the experience of information gathering becomes more flexible.
As time progresses, the internet will become an even more dominant form of information gathering for potential clients. As college and high school age people enter the workforce and take on the buying decision responsibilities for their companies, a shift away from phone calls is very likely. For now, equal visibility to phone numbers and internet information is sufficient. Ten years from now, the audience will be looking for the internet contact information.
To ensure your signage stands the test of time, consider who will be the buyer now, five years from now and beyond. For a sign that is intended to represent your company for many years, phone, websites, specific url’s and bar codes should be included. The relative visibility of each will depend on the planned life of the sign.
If you are the sign manager for your real estate firm and would like more information of maximizing the effectiveness of your commercial or residential real estate sign investment, give us a call. We can help! We’ll provide free consultation and estimates for your entire sign investment portfolio. So, call or email us today.