In every businesses big or small the best way to catch the attention of consumers is through sales and promotions. In every community there are special events held every once in a while, whether it be for celebrations or informative purposes. Here at City Signs we have the best options available to you for advertising your events and that is with temporary signage!
Temporary signs are perfect for any business windows, banners around your community, or friendly reminders signs around your office. Temporary signs do not have a right or wrong way of being used,they can be utilized inside your building or outside your building it is completely up to you and the goal you are looking to achieve.
The thing that most temporary signs have in common are the ease of installation and the quick removal when the need for the advertisement is over. Some common uses for temporary signs include; Political campaigns, sales (including garage, yard, and estate sales), Fair and musical events, sporting events, and small business marketing.
The most common use for temporary signs is for advertising your business, there are however other ways to utilize this signage. Temporary signs are great for directing guests and customers to restrooms and vendor stands at special events, showcasing specific products offered in a promotion or sale, and regulatory information for consumers.
An example of some temporary signs we are very familiar with are real estate signs. Recently we have worked with NAI Benchmark in creating their space available signage that was installed in Modesto, CA. This sign was fabricated as a MDO sign. MDO is a sign made out of wood that are great for any construction site and to showcase available leasing space. Although MDO’s are weather resistance and great as temporary signs they are not the best option for permanent signage. After the wood panel is cut and sanded to the desired size we apply a digital print that allows any verbiage, logos, and designs to be displayed to the public. One of the fastest and more cost effective method for temporary signs are banners. We have recently worked on a 48″ x 144″ banner for Golden Bear Physical Therapy located in Manteca, CA. The banner was created to display their company name while our customers awaited their new signage. With banners we can have them printed and ready to go as soon as you are in need of them.
Our team is on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding your new signage or existing signage. Give us a call at 209.229.2220.