When you are opening a new business there are a lot of factors you must consider such as the f act that there might be a lot of competitors offering similar if not the same services as your business. You can utilize signage to help your business stand out from the rest, not only is the exterior of your building important to focus on but so is having your business stand out as soon as they step foot in your doors and a mural is the right way to go!
Vinyl decals have many different uses to them. One great way to utilizes decals would be as a mural for your business. When you think of a wall mural most of the time your mind goes to painted graphics onto your wall correct? Well there is also the option of printed graphics that can be installed on your walls. Printed graphics are great because they can be installed easily without having the lingering paint fumes the day after. They are very convenient as they are great for any permanent if you would like to add your logo to a wall or even for any temporary use such as for special promotions, sales, or seasonal events.
A couple other uses for vinyl graphics could be for you windows and doors if you would like to include your business hours to inform your customers as previously mentioned. Another great use of vinyl decals would be for vehicle graphics. Vinyl decals are also often time used on your main storefront signs to add color to the signs as well as to incorporate any logos you may have.
If you are a business owner or sign company with existing wall graphics needed to be installed around the central valley area we are here to help! Our design team has over 20 years of experience working with signs. We have recently worked on a printed graphics installation for The Good Feet Store located in Modesto, CA. This wall mural was installed using alcohol to active the adhesive for better finished results .
Are you interested in learning about more benefits that vinyl graphics can provide your business? Give us a call at 209.229.2220 today!