Your sign is the first thing most people see, so you want it to make a good impression. If your exterior sign is faded, cracked, or otherwise falling apart, people won’t take your business seriously; after all, if you can’t even take care of your sign, how well can you take care of them? After Tropical Smoothie Café, an Orlando, FL business, noticed the message their sign was sending to their customers, they contacted Citrus Sign Studio to get their sign-and their image-repaired.


Who is Tropical Smoothie?

Tropical Smoothie offers reasonably priced smoothies and other healthy foods made from fresh ingredients. In addition to smoothies, they serve wraps, salads, and other sandwiches. Originally a small fresh fruit smoothie stand on a Florida beach, Tropical Smoothie strives to give each of their 300 stores a fun atmosphere reminiscent of this humble beginning.

When Tropical Smoothie, a business striving to improve the health of Americans, called us to help improve the health of their sign, we thrilled to help. When we first visited the store, located on Edgewater Drive in Orlando, FL, we immediately spotted several problems. The front graphics were falling off and the light box itself looked as if it had been hit by a hurricane. We told the owner not to panic, because we knew exactly what to do.


How We Saved the Day.

The first thing we had to do was remove the current sign before its appealing condition scared away more customers. The problem with this, however, is that once the sign was removed, customers had no way of knowing that the Tropical Smoothie location existed-which meant business would come to a virtual standstill. Time is money, so we quickly got to work.


After carefully removing the sign we took it back to our shop for some much needed TLC. Work began with removing all of the cracked and broken acrylic lettering inserts. When we began to work on the sign’s artwork, we ran into a problem; the artwork we were given didn’t match the sign! We quickly got to work editing the graphics file and eventually we were able to match the artwork to the sign.


After ensuring that our design was correct, we printed and installed a fresh set of vinyl graphics and reset all the acrylic lettering. Since the light box still worked, we were able to reuse it and concentrate on installing new graphics. This saved Tropical Smoothie money and time, and proved to be an eco friendly solution; after all, why should a perfectly good lightbox sit in a landfill?


At last, the sign was ready. We used our lift truck to reinstall the refurbished sign, which by this time looked brand new. When we stepped back, both we were happy with the result-and more importantly, so was the owner of Tropical Smoothie! That done, we patted ourselves on the back and enjoyed a healthy meal and some delicious smoothies.


We Can Help You Save Face.

An unattractive or broken sign tells customers that you don’t care about your product and that you can’t be bothered with details. A colorful sign with vibrant and fun graphics, on the other hand, shows customers that not only do you care about providing good service, you aim to exceed expectations; after all, anyone can have a boring sign. By creating an engaging sign and showing off your brand, you showcase your company’s creativity and commitment to excellence.


We are a a full service sign company that can help repair or refurbish your sign. And, once your new sign is up, our friendly staff will gladly come out to your location for regular maintenance that will keep your sign looking good-and attracting customers-for years.

If your signs are scaring customers rather than attracting them, contact us today for a free consultation and find out how we can help you!