With the month of June, we usher in the longest days of the year. The strong sun is above the horizon here in Phoenix, AZ from 5A till almost 8P. In many cases, that is a longer day than many business owners spend at the office. As a result, during May, June, and July many business owners never see their sign at night.
In the winter months, if the lighting fails in your signage, you will spot it right away. The early sunset and nightfall occurs before you leave the office at night. This time of year, the opposite is equally true. If the illumination in your signage has failed, would you be aware of it? Probably not. However, even if you don’t see, your prospective customers sure do. Signage is an investment that pays big dividends, but only if its working correctly.
Now is a great time to make a date with your signage for a night inspection. Spend 10 minutes walking around after sunset looking at your signs. Are they clean and fully illuminated? Is the illumination even and bright?
Many sign lighting problems are quickly, easily, and inexpensively repaired by a sign professional. In many cases a simple bulb replacement in a monument sign or a new transformer in a fascia sign can get your signage selling for you once again.
We know there are never enough minutes in the day, never mind the evening, for harried business owners. We can perform the inspections as well. In addition, this time of year, it makes a lot of sense to check the signage to be sure it’s well anchored in place and watertight with the summer thunder storms right around the corner. Consider a mid-year checkup for your hardest working sales asset this June and have peace of mind throughout the full summer season.
Blue Chip Signworks is a full line signage supplier and sign inspection and repair service provider in Phoenix, AZ. Schedule an inspection today by calling us at 480-785-3940.