(602) 888-9966 info@paragonsignworks.com

Clinical settings, such as a doctor’s office or hospital, can often be confusing and intimidating. Very seldom do patients head to the doctor because they are feeling great.

Part of a doctor’s job is to create a space in which patients feel safe, despite feeling sick and vulnerable. One way that you can put patients at their ease is to fill your office will bright and colorful wall murals. These can help to distract anxious patients, as well as giving them something beautiful to look at, bringing them peace and contentment.

Do you have a children’s office? Wall murals are especially fun in the pediatrics field, especially when bright, bold colors are used. You can create a different wall mural for each examination room as well as for the hallways, lobby, and bathroom. If you are in a pediatric hospital, you may want to consider trying to bring the outdoors inside for the children.

Wall murals depicting things such as a grove of sunlit trees, a school of fish, or a grassy field full of puppies will help parents to keep them calm and entertained while they are waiting or moving from one part of the hospital to another. It also helps to tackle the miserable sense of missing out on what other children might be doing, as they are entertained, and often fascinated by large and complex murals.

Another great idea for children is to create murals that are just plain fun. Gigantic lollipop murals can line the hallways, the restrooms can be turned into an under the sea experience, while the lobby can display kittens frolicking across the walls.

No matter what you choose to do, wall graphics are sure to create a much lighter and happier environment where your tiny patients can also enjoy themselves. This also helps to make going to the doctor a lot less frightening.

Do you have adult patients? Wall murals can also be an inexpensive way to create a warm and inviting look that remains classy and professional. Wall murals depicting the doctor’s name or logo are often a first choice. You can also create murals depicting quotes on wellness along with beautiful landscapes. Some offices also will employ murals depicting things such as the human heart or the skeletal system to use when explaining things to patients.

If you need another kind of sign, know that we can take care of more than murals. We cover every aspect of signage. Do not hesitate! Call today and let us show you what we can do for you!