Creatively Leveraging Whiteboard Film
One of Palladium Sign’s featured specialty films is whiteboard film. This film offers a creative and interactive element that traditional signage does not. It’s made of both a self-adhesive and printable material, meaning the application is far simpler than paint. It can be produced in any shape or size, and once the whiteboard film is applied, the surface acts like a dry erase board. All types of dry erase markers can be utilized. This allows for endless possibilities for commercial and personal use.
Why use whiteboard film and not just a dry erase board?
Customization is one of the biggest advantages whiteboard film gives you. Take a classroom, for example. A traditional whiteboard is incredibly two-dimensional and flat. With whiteboard film, a teacher or professor could print and apply the whiteboard surface to their classroom’s lab tables. This, in effect, would create an interactive platform – students can now participate and engage in the lecture. Teamwork and cooperative learning become commonplace.
Palladium Signs is currently in the process of installing whiteboard film in their offices, and the plan is to leverage this surface in place of all their existing whiteboards. This will foster a culture of creativity and innovation. Here’s a peek inside the Palladium Sign office, where they’re using their own product:
Who could use whiteboard film?
Here are a few usages for whiteboard film in various industries:
- Hospitals. Nurse directors schedule their nurses and use whiteboards. Some like to use magnets, some like to write on a whiteboard. Using whiteboard film with the magnetized paint will allow hospitals to use both at the same time (and conserve space!)
- Dentist Offices. Using whiteboard film walls for children to play with while they’re waiting for their appointment time.
- Long Term Day Care Centers. They can use it for scheduling, or to allow kids to draw on the walls without damaging anything. The best part? The kids still feel as if they’re actually writing on the walls.
- Schools. This gives students an extra artistic and creative context for expressing themselves. Or, as stated above, it allows for “cooperative learning” opportunities.
- Niche Markets. The possibilities are endless. From writing personal to-do lists in your office, to laying out schedules for your team in shared work spaces.
Let Palladium Signs bring whiteboard film into your work space, and watch the creativity and innovation skyrocket!