The last time we talked about New Indy Containerboard, we discussed replacing building and monument signs. The client was so happy with the work that they asked us to come to their other location to handle a monument sign refurbishing in Ontario, CA.

The New Indy Monument Sign Before Refurbishing

Monument Sign Refurbishing for Ontario, CA

We took a closer look at the monument sign when we visited the location. It featured a light color, still had the company’s outdated corporate identity information, and had faded. Moreover, the sign had three-dimensional letters, some of which had gone missing. That said, the sign was otherwise in excellent shape and an ideal candidate for refurbishing.

A Custom Monument Sign Refurbishing Makes a Significant Difference

This refurbishing project quite literally made a huge difference. We began by removing the existing 3D lettering. Next, our technicians cleaned the structure and ensured no parts needed to be repaired. Now, it was time to paint the monument in black. This step alone wholly changed the ambiance of the location.

Because the original sign design featured an inset area, we used this space to install a custom-cut aluminum composite sign panel. The company’s new name and logo display is imprinted on 3M premium cast vinyl that was laminated for long life. The finished product that a fantastic job at advertising the company and displaying the brand change.

The client loved the new look! They asked us to return to add a building sign and vinyl glass door lettering – in addition to the other monument sign at the Norwalk location.

Refurbishing a Monument Saves Money

Something as small as adding new graphics for monument signs can completely change the look and feel of a location. Even if you have not rebranded, consider whether any elements look dated or have faded since you last had the sign installed.

Some of the most popular refurbishing projects include new paint jobs combined with 3D letters. Sometimes, a company may opt to highlight a different color from its corporate palette or replace a letter material with something different. Widespread changes range from 3D sign foam to metal or acrylic.

If your monument has a lightbox cabinet that is part of its display, we typically upgrade any lighting parts when signs are not yet LED retrofitted. Besides that, we can paint the exterior and print new facings. If the sign has been used for several years, there is a good chance that the initial print has already faded.

In some situations, a client might also decide to replace a manual readerboard with an electronic version. It immediately removes the dated feel of a sign and gives you flexibility with targeting messages at customers and passersby. You frequently see these signage setups in monuments done for schools.

Let’s Talk about Monument Sign Refurbishing in Ontario, CA

If you are unsure that refurbishing is the right choice, discuss your thoughts with our specialists. We can show you what we can do. Concurrently, we offer you a look at what new monument signs could bring to your location. Call us today!

monument sign refurbishing in Ontario CA