Earlier this month, we collaborated with LaundryLux Distribution on designing, producing, and installing new storefront signs and graphics in Commerce, CA. Locals know that this brand is found in plenty of laundromats around the area. There, you likely see the easily recognizable logo on the commercial laundry equipment.

Signs and Graphics for Retail Businesses Introduce a Brand

For those who are already familiar with the company, building signs and storefront window graphics serve as reinforcement of the brand story. Since this was a second site in Southern California, the brand message needed to be highly visible and easily identified at just one glance. 

Because the venue will be a distribution hub as well as a showroom for laundry equipment, we underscored the retail aspect of the location. For example, window graphics focus on the corporate color palette and logo. We replaced the dark color sections with white, which makes the window graphics pop. An anti-graffiti laminate protects them from vandalism.

Next, we added two aluminum composite sign panels on the building that feature the corporate branding and the names of some brands the business represents. This combination is an excellent advertising tool, which is why it is so popular among retailers – particularly those of electronics and high-end machines. 

Protect Your Storefront Window Graphics with Anti-Graffiti Laminates

Vandalism is a sad reality. Retailers, in particular, are targets of taggers who like to “embellish” window graphics and wraps with their scribbles. Our team understands that painting over signage or replacing it can get very expensive. However, when you add anti-graffiti laminate right away, you can save yourself the aggravation and the expense.

The laminate does not prevent the graffiti “artist” from defacing the signage. However, it makes it possible to remove permanent markers or spray paint with a little cleaning solution and elbow grease. While other business owners have to deal with the scribbles or replace their signage, you only clean up the products to make them look like new. 

Typical Building Signs for Incoming Businesses

What are the signage solutions that you cannot do without when opening a new business in SoCal? You have seen the storefront signs and graphics in Commerce, CA, that we did for LaundryLux Distribution. A building sign and a set of window graphics are always a good idea. Many retailers and distributors also ask us to prepare shipping and receiving signs for the building’s back. This approach makes it easy for shipments to arrive and leave on time and without confusion. 

Which signage could be ideally suited for your location and brand? Call us today to find out!