There are many kinds of signs. Signs vary quite a bit by industry, and also by purpose. Some signs are designed for outdoor installation while others have indoor purposes. Once you have identified the purpose of your sign, you can pretty much break down the viable options. Our company has provided numerous types of signs to businesses in the Clarksville, Tennessee area and our signage experts here have the local expertise to consult with you on the best options for your business. Choosing the right sign can be the difference between a marginal business and a successful one. So what type of sign do you think is right for your business? Let’s take a look at some of the common types of signage.

Outdoor and indoor business signs

Businesses in Clarksville, Tennessee and the surrounding area most often need either an indoor sign for their brand or business or they are looking for an exterior solution, such as a logo and name, maybe a tagline and some basic business information such as hours and days of operation, specials or promotions and maybe even a phone number. These are common sign orders. Sometimes, customers require specialty signage such as display cutouts for an event or lighted signs above an outdoor patio or other area. Other options include an entire branding package for indoor and outdoor use at your business.

Regulatory Code Signs

Federal and many state laws require that employers post certain types of signs within their facilities. Often, these signs relate to safety such as chemical hazards, hazardous waste materials, material handling, dangerous machinery, wet floors and so forth. Other signs must be posted in regard to confidentiality and privacy and for labor standards, practices and rights information. Most of the time, government agencies can supply these signs for your business at little to no cost. Other signs may have a significant price tag.

Customer Marketing Signs

Signs have been proven to do things well: market a business/product/service and reinforce brands. For a general exterior sign that identifies your business to the public, your sign should do both tasks effectively, providing for both a long- and short-term marketing strategy. Customer marketing can include other signage techniques as well, including directions, aisle markers with descriptions, product or service callouts with displays, interactive signage and more. Anything that assists your customers and leaves them with a positive and helpful or enhanced experience will be a useful marketing tool for your company. Many companies need specific signage for attending tradeshows, exhibits and so forth. Mall kiosks also need attractive signage to engage with prospective customers.

Internal Communication Signs

In addition to signs that communicate products, brands and/or services to customers, there are also signs that communicate to personnel. There are also basic use signs such as bathroom signs and so forth. Internal communication signs are meant to explain something to an employee or member of management. These signs provide directions, identify locations or explain company history and values. Companies often install these signs to cultivate company morale. There are also signs that promote health, wellness or other values the company deems important for its staff.