Greater Faith wall graphic Greater Faith wall graphic1Get customizable commercial wall coverings with your specific brand images and messages. We can produce a custom wallpaper with your logo design, typography, company/organization colors and text tailor made for your specific business needs. We are a local sign and graphic design, manufacturing and installation provider. We work with local groups and businesses to produce their custom marketing and brand materials for outdoor and indoor use. Custom wall coverings are an excellent way to enhance your lobby, hallways, entrances, exits, seating areas, stage or other room at your location. All kinds of businesses benefit from custom wallpaper for commercial use.

Take a look at the customized wall covering this group ordered from us, pictured in the photos. We supplied one closeup and one farther away for this blog post just to give you some perspective on the scale and dimensions as well as the quality of color and materials. This design that was provided to us was strategically positioned near the stage and podium to have the biggest impact on the greatest number of people in an obvious location. Now the patrons are confronted with this branded image every time they enter the seating area for this particular venue. We can work with the custom artwork that you provide to us or you can entrust us to develop a custom concept and design based on your brand, business model, mission and identity concept or vision.

There are so many options for custom wallpaper for commercial applications, it is simply amazing. We carry a lot of materials and products, but we only offer our clients the most high quality in both categories. We can custom produce the graphics at our sign and graphics facility locally and we can install them promptly as well. We have a team of expert manufacturers that can handle nearly any kind of order. We also have experienced and skilled graphic designers and product specialists who can help you too. Some of the brands for materials we carry are 3M and Avery. They supply us with the materials to print and cut the custom wall graphics for you.

Wall graphics, wallpaper and custom wall coverings can be used at a variety of different types of niche businesses or non-profit groups. They can also be used for government applications or at elementary, high school post secondary schools (colleges/universities). These graphics can applied to walls pretty much anywhere for any purpose. They are great brand marketing tools and informational aids as well. Other industries that benefit from their use include insurance/banking/finance, live entertainment/events, athletic venues/stadiums, park bandshells, TV/radio stations, manufacturing sites, clinics, hospitals and a number of other examples.

Before planning your project, prepare for the details. We will need to know the size and dimensions of the wall and the planned wall covering space. We will also need to know the specific location on the wall you will be installing the graphics. Choose from image library or create your own design. We will need to examine your wall and test it to find a suitable material.

-Written by the Sign Cave