Brick install

Product: Custom Wall Wrap

Location: Lewis Center, Ohio

Client: Tom T


Recently, our professional sign and graphics company was approached by a client looking to change the look of their basement on a budget. This is the perfect time of year to begin working on projects that improve our daily lives. A basement refurbishment is a great example of the projects that are tackled when Winter ends. We took our team to Lewis Center, OH, and got started on a brick wall wrap that would help our client cut costs!


Our printing capabilities are the highest standard in the industry, and can effectively mimic the appearance of real brick, as well as other types of textures and materials. Take a look at the image above, and you will see the exception quality of the graphic tool. In the image below, you can see more of the wall wrap during the installation process. This project was time and cost efficient, making it an ideal wall option. Ask us how we can help you make these effective cost reductions in your remodeling project, too!


Many people welcome in the Spring with an “out with the old, and in with the new.” philosophy. Spring cleaning, tackling a new home project, finishing a project already started, or getting to the redecorating of that office you spend so much time in. These are all popular activities this time of year, and make our lives more organized. However, those tasks can be sometimes hard to finish when we see the amount of time and money that are invested in their completion. This is where we come in! Cut the costs of paint, masonry, tools, and other outlets with an affordable solution that makes a noticeable difference. Our team can design, print, and install custom wall wraps that will completely elevate the scene of any room, while sticking to any budget!


The process begins with a comprehensive consultation to determine the dimensions needed, the design in mind, and the time the project should take. We will provide you with examples of the types of wraps we can produce, and give you obrick 1ptions in colors, textures, and even images. Talk to our design team to determine the best options to match the look you have in mind. Not only do we have many styles to choose from, but we can also provide custom designs to suit your specific imagery!


Are you anticipating needing a custom wall wrap for your home improvement project? Would you like to see examples of these graphic solutions installed? Stop by our showroom, and our professionals will get you started on the right path. We can sit down and go over the specifics of your project, and the best way to meet the goals you have. Don’t wait until your money begins to fly out the door. Cut your costs now!


Written by: Signs & Designs by Mia- Worthington, Ohio