download (23)Business parks and complexes are large facilities that usually feature multiple tenants. When several businesses or offices are in one area, it is important to adequately display these tenants to the public. Identification is a step that is necessary for the success of businesses in this setting, and our team is ready to design, fabricate, and install the tools needed to do this correctly!

Why Monument Signs?

Monument signs are large structures that are usually placed at the entrances of business parks or plazas to share the individual businesses that are housed within. These signsdownload (22) are integral for companies to get the attention they deserve, and so that customers can find them easily. Without these signs, there would be many missed opportunities. More than just the customers though, this sign helps delivery services, staff, and service providers find your business. Distinguishing the businesses of your business park to those on the nearby roadways ensures happy tenants, and satisfied consumers!

Why Building Signs?

Monument signs are great for advertising the business within a complex to the consumers on nearby roadways. There are signs that also deliver identification, but on a more individualized level. With a custom building sign, you can stand apart from the businesses in your area. Share your specific brand and style with visitors, and leave an impression that makes them interested in entering your business. These signs are usually mounted over the storefront, and can be channel letter, cabinet signs, or a flush building sign. The choice is yours, and we will execute the concept!

Customize Your Sign

Both of these signs excel in their areas, as they are able to be customized to complement the aesthetic of both business and location. If the business park is modern in its layout and appearance, we will reflect that in our materials used and design concepts. Both signs can use illumination detailing to increase visibility in any lighting, and to create a powerful visual statement. Choose from creative color combinations, high resolution images, stylized fondownload (14)ts, and more to complete your design. The trick is to give enough visuals to draw the eye, and enough information to keep them informed. Separate the businesses from each other with a tailored sign package!

If you are looking for an identification sign package for a business park or complex, come to the experts that will bring you what you want. Do you need to have your tenants stand apart from one another for the public’s knowledge? Work with our team to compile a package that fits the dynamic of your location, and the brand of your businesses. Utilize our free consultation service to develop a plan of action towards your custom monument or building sign package. We look forward to working with you on your next marketing adventure!

Written by: Signs & Designs by Mia – Worthington, Ohio