Recently, we had the opportunity to work with a new etched vinyl product made by Aslan. It is fully printable and calendered. Besides that, it has a stunning silver etch effect. Look at the custom-printed frosted graphics for retailers in Anaheim, CA, we did for Bosch!

Developing an Eye-Catching Door Graphic

Our team received the specs from the client and began the design process. The bottom portion of the frosted door treatment displays half of the brand’s logo, complete with 3D effects. The top shows the corporate name in its brand color. In addition to the printed elements, there are reverse-cut parts for a secondary logo rendition. While the vinyl effectively curtails a view inside the location, it is a perfect canvas for a brand message and corporate advertisement.

Taking Advantage of Glass Surfaces

Retailers frequently have more glass surfaces than they know what to do with. Some rely on their windows to display products. However, many more do very little with the see-through surfaces. If this describes your use of the window panes, you are likely missing out on excellent advertising opportunities.

Window wraps. A full wrap completely obscures the sight inside your store. Choose perforated vinyl to see out and allow sunlight to come in. The wrap offers the most extensive coverage for glass surfaces. By the way, the wrap is also a popular signage setup if you have too much sun exposure from the window.

Window graphics. You can go with pictures if you prefer to leave some see-through spots. Choose full-color photos of products or customers. In the alternative, you might opt for stylized images in white or other colors that contrast nicely with the hues that are there. It ensures that the graphics are the first things your customers see when walking up to your retail location.

Window letters. Lettering appeals to the retailer who wants to take the opportunity and expand on their brand message. It is frequently popular with stores using lightbox cabinets, building panels, and other outdoor advertisements. Depending on your advertising and brand-building needs, the letters can be permanent or temporary.

Our Graphic Artist Specializes in the Design, Production, and Installation of Window Graphics for Retailers

We work with your specs or design something new from the ground up. If you are unsure whether to focus on building your brand or advertising a product, we help you discover ways to do both. Most importantly, we can give you input on whether you would do best with a full wrap, individual graphics, or letters.

If you need custom-printed frosted graphics for retailers in Anaheim, CA, want information on full-color ads for service providers, or are considering using perforated versus solid vinyl, our shop wants to help. We also work with retailers who already have some window graphics in place that need to be replaced. Our team handles the entire process, including uninstalling old wraps.

Call us today to learn more about your options and to get started on the next project!

Custom Printed Frosted Graphics for Retailers in Anaheim CA