
Dynamic Digital

In today’s market, many business owners are having to constantly adapt and improve their advertising in order to remain competitive.  As a Signworld owner, this offers you a wonderful opportunity to provide them with a long term solution that also offers you their regular repeat business.  Dynamic Digital Signage is a technology in which advertisements that were once printed and mounted are now displayed on a digital monitor and rotated through a preset rotation.  Dynamic digital signage is used in department stores, schools, public transit, libraries, office buildings, medical facilities, airports, train and bus stations, banks, auto dealerships and other public venues. It is also commonly used in corporate, employee-facing environments.  The graphics available to dynamic digital signage are limitless and can be tailored to your customers as needed.  As a Signworld owner, this allows you the opportunity to provide your customers with the long-term solution of the monitor and operating software, while engaging in the ongoing business of providing them with regularly updated graphics for the displays.

As a new Signworld owner, you will have the opportunity to partner with the Preferred Partner network to best deliver this emerging technology to your customers while earning a healthy profit.  After a time, should you decide to make dynamic digital signage a focal point of your business portfolio, you will have the opportunity to expand your capabilities to include the design of the graphics and the installation of the monitors and software components.

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